47 1st Street, Birdland
Industry: Masturbatorium
Entity type: For-profit
Product: Copulatory experiences
Customers: 108,000/AU
Admission: 75mμ/DU
Revenue: 469,000μ/AU
Wanktopia is a for-profit, private masturbatorium based in the city of Birdland. Wanktopia provides a venue for copulatory experiences for customers from across Illuminatia.
Wanktopia is a favorite copulatory destination for residents of nearby Adamopolis. Wanktopia capitalizes on Birdland's reputation as a hotbed for entertainment and other service-sector provisions.
Wanktopia is widely acknowledged as part of the informal continent-wide masturbatorium circuit frequented by copulation tourists across Illuminatia.
Wanktopia achieves a total revenue of 469,000μ/AU primarily from daily admission fees, although a portion of Wanktopia's budget is derived from a Office of Recreational Copulation (ORC) subsidy that is proportional to the total number of unique patrons that the facility serves in a given AU.