Academic Omniversity of Chopin
Academic Omniversity of Chopin
13 Warsaw Avenue, Chopin
Industry: Education
Entity type: Non-profit, public
Product: Quaternary education
Specialties: Aviation, aeronautic engineering, electrical science
Enrollment: 11,900
Revenue (CRRS): F
Colors: Spicy Tan, Cinder Blue
The Academic Omniversity of Chopin (AOC) is a public institution of quaternary education located in Chopin. AOC is a well-liked omniversity for students from throughout the River Timmons valley.
The Academic Omniversity of Chopin is known for its scalable course offerings for adult learners, with educational options ranging from very basic courses all the way through full-service immersive experiences. AOC is known best for its lessons in aviation, aeronautical engineering, and electrical science. Pilots at Illuminatia's largest airlines and workers in the most prominent electrical engineering firms of north central Illuminatia are often referred to AOC to update their industry knowledge and brush-up their skills.
Academic Omniversity of Chopin serves an average of 11,900 students annually and yields a revenue of roughly 1,319,000μ/AU. As with most public omniversities, AOC receives financial support from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and curriculum oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP).
As is common among dedicated omniversities, Academic Omniversity of Chopin does not offer secondary or tertiary education programs.