Allegro Courier

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Allegro Courier

Allegro Courier Logo.png

22 Finney Avenue, Allegro

Industry: Publishing

Entity type: For-profit

Product: Daily newspaper, local

Specialties: Journalism, local mainstream news


  • Local edition (AQS-D): G
  • Regional edition (AQS-D): F
  • Total circulation (AQS-D): G
  • Total readership (AQS-TS): H

Revenue (CRRS): H

Newsstand Price: 30mμ

The Allegro Courier is the dominant daily for-profit newspaper published in the city of Allegro. The Courier reports mainstream local and regional news events and is a trusted source throughout the southern Modal Peninsula for reporting on politics, economics, arts, culture, and other matters of importance.

Regional readers outside of Allegro in cities like Minuet, Adagio, and Crescendo commonly balance reading of their local newspaper of choice with the regional editions of the Allegro Courier and the Serenade Chronicle.

The Allegro Courier has a local circulation of 835,000 and a regional circulation of 221,000, yielding a total circulation of 1,056,000 and a readership figure of 4,003,000. The Courier posts a revenue of 1,867,000μ/AU almost equally through subscription or newsstand fees and advertising. An edition of The Allegro Courier can be purchased from local newsstands for 30mμ.