Collegiate Omniversity of Legato
Collegiate Omniversity of Legato
89 1st Street, Legato
Industry: Education
Entity type: Non-profit, public
Product: Quaternary education
Specialties: Linguistic logistics, thought tradition arts, community moderation
Enrollment: 11,500
Revenue (CRRS): F
Colors: Te Papa Green, Calico
The Collegiate Omniversity of Legato (COL) is a public institution of quaternary education located in Legato. COL attracts many of its students from Concerto Island, the Chromatic Range region, and more widely from the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex and nearby regions of southern Illuminatia.
As with many omniversities, Collegiate Omniversity of Legato offers a slate of highly specialized curricula in efforts to appeal to motivated adult learners from throughout Illuminatia in addition to its liberal arts and science fare. Specialties for which COL is recognized include subject areas such as linguistic logistics, thought tradition arts, and community moderation. Regional linguistics organizations such as Intensive Purposes, Inc and Escape Goat, Inc frequently send their employees to COL to pursue further credentials.
Collegiate Omniversity of Legato serves about 11,500 students each Annual Unit. COL earns an annual revenue of approximately 1,232,000μ/AU which mostly comes in the form of per-student funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE). Educational programming oversight for COL comes from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP).