Continentwide Insurance

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Continentwide Insurance

Continentwide Insurance Logo.png

61 North 1st Street, Take Five

Industry: Finance

Entity type: For-profit

Product: Insurance and indemnity

Specialties: Consumer property and liability insurance

Revenue (CRRS): M

Assets (CARS): K11

Continentwide Insurance is among the largest insurance companies in Illuminatia. Based in the city of Take Five, Continentwide Insurance is a leader in the consumer property and personal liability insurance market.

While Continentwide writes policies across the Illuminatian continent and is among the top five insurers in each megalopolitan complex, it is noted for dominating the personal consumer insurance market in east-central regions of Illuminatia, including the Timmons Peninsula, most of the Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex, interior central regions in the vicinity of the Adamopolitan and Vostonian rivers, and southern portions of the Brookeview Ludwig Megalopolitan Complex.

Continentwide is noted for its assets management strategy, which deemphasizes liquid Monetary Unit holdings and instead maintains an impressive portfolio of illiquid assets. Continentwide is full or part-owner of several corporations and owns real estate in urban areas across Illuminatia. Continentwide devotes significant management resources to maintaining and liquidating its held assets to generate cashflow as it is necessary for the payout of insurance claims to its consumers. This strategy is quite the opposite of its primary competitor, Regressive Insurance, which manages sizeable monetary assets. While Continentwide invests an elevated amount of its proceeds on operational expenses related to managing its portfolio of assets, it avoids the liability of holding excess liquid monetary assets that it would otherwise be subject to as a result of the negative interest rate monetary policy of the Office of the Central Bank (OCB).