Northern Commission on The Anomaly

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Northern Commission on The Anomaly

An map illustrating the extent of the Third Multiversal Duplication, where the activities of the Northern Commission on The Anomaly took place.

The Northern Commission on The Anomaly was one of the three independent regional investigative bodies formed to study the events that led to the termination of the Lucidus mission and the subsequent settlement of the Neonisi planet.

The commission was organized specifically to engage in its own original research to learn more about the scientific causes and technical consequences of The Anomaly and to form its own conclusions about the implications of the theoretical mechanisms and astronomical hypotheses best suited to explain The Anomaly.

The newly-founded Illuminatian government established the Northern Commission along with the Eastern Commission and the Western Commission concurrently with one another but in complete isolation from each other. This was done to ensure completely independent research and results that stood upon separate merits. Secretly, the Illuminatian government also wished for the commissions to surreptitiously provide insights regarding suspected differences between the three known multiversal duplications of Lucidus survivors in Illuminatia by way of examination of potential investigative results that might diverge from those of a given commission's two companion commissions.

The Northern Commission, along with the other two commissions, began its work within dozens of AU of the introduction of human settlement to the Neonisi planet.

The Northern Commission was composed exclusively of researchers and assets derived only from the geographic region occupied by the Third Multiversal Duplication. Exclusivity of the origins of the individuals operating all facets of the commission to within the same multiversal duplication was non-negotiable. Additionally, all research, observation, and fact collecting was required to take place within the territory occupied by Third Multiversal Duplication survivors. This territory represents an expansive land area nearly rivaling that of the Second Multiversal Duplication, due to the highly-dispersed nature of the population of the Third Multiversal Duplication. This population is spread amongst northern, north-central, northeastern, and eastern Illuminatia, including the Anglo-Hungarian Bay coastal region, the inland River Marlene basin, the Wolfgang Amadeus Bay region, the Brookeview Bay region, and Ludwig van Island. The is territory represents a land area surpassed only by that of the Second Multiversal Duplication.

Much like the other two commissions, the Northern Commission was able to make observations and arrive at conclusions that were largely the same as its peer commissions but which varied in a limited variety of minor ways. The Northern Commission was instrumental in identifying some yet-to-be explained temperamental differences among the three multiversal duplications. The Third Multiversal Duplication, for instance, nurtured a population exhibiting a significantly greater proclivity toward intellectual and philosophical pursuits. This observation has been fodder for sociologists and cultural anthropoligists in later generations of Illuminatian academics. It is not entirely understood what characteristics of the Third Multiversal Duplication might explain these differences.