University of the Fourth Peninsula

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University of the Fourth Peninsula

University of the Fourth Peninsula Logo.png

62 Polk Avenue, Allegro

Industry: Education

Entity type: Non-profit, public

Product: Secondary, tertiary education

Specialties: Mathematical arts and sciences, geographical engineering, journalism and editorial arts

Enrollment: 50,500

Revenue (CRRS): H

Colors: Dodger Blue, Cherry Pie Plum

The University of the Fourth Peninsula (UFP) is a public institution of tertiary education located in Allegro. Students from across southern Illuminatia have high opinions of UFP thanks to the reputation maintained by its specialized degree programs in the mathematical arts and sciences, geographical engineering disciplines, and the journalism and editorial arts.

University of the Fourth Peninsula draws its name from the Modal Peninsula where it is located; the land form is frequently colloquially referred to as the fourth peninsula rather than by its formal name. UFP is known to draw a high proportion of its tertiary students from the ranks of secondary graduates of one of its local educational counterparts, the Advanced Education Institution of Allegro. The UFP student population is otherwise represented largely by natives of the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex. Enrollment at UFP exceeds 50,500 students.

UFP receives funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP). As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of UFP's operational resources and is proportional to the number of students the university serves. Revenue for the University of the Fourth Peninsula totals about 5,558,000μ/AU.

As with all public education institutions, students of the University of the Fourth Peninsula enjoy a nearly 100% placement rate upon graduation thanks the Office of Assessment and Placement (OAP)'s government-assisted career matching system, which matches graduates with places of employment or other educational institutions where they map pursue research opportunities or further higher education.