Exchequer of Harmony

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The Exchequer of Harmony

Exchequer of Harmony Logo.png

28 Parallelogram Avenue, Harmony

Industry: Finance

Entity type: For-profit

Product: Commercial and personal banking services

Specialties: Mid-to-large-scale lending and savings

Revenue (CRRS): M

Assets (CARS): J9

The Exchequer of Harmony is a banking institution based in the city of Harmony. The Exchequer provides savings and lending services for mid to large-sized commercial clients as well as personal banking services for the general population.

The Exchequer of Harmony plays a significant role in connecting the Brookeview Bay region economically through its network of banks in population centers along the north and south shores of the bay. In addition to Harmony, the Exchequer has a presence in cities including Greensleeves, Mendelssohn, Pachelbel, Sinatra, and Desperado.

As part of a promotional arrangement, the Exchequer heavily markets its role in holding the accounts of the Harmony Ideas—one of the local newspapers, and the Harmony Cuntmuffins—the local sportsball team.

The Exchequer manages finances using the Monetary Unit and is a fully-integrated member of the Monetary Network. The Exchequer of Harmony is regulated by the Department of Monetary Policy (DMP). With revenues totaling 336,100,000μ/AU, the Exchequer of Harmony retains total assets of 50,000,000μ.