Timmons Range
Timmons Range
Points of interest: Chopin, Mingus, Voston, Julie Ann, Vostonian River, Timmons Peninsula
The Timmons Range is a major mountain range on mainland Illuminatia, forming the spine that runs along the Timmons Peninsula. The Timmons Range rivals the Lucidian Range as Illuminatia's second most-significant mountain range. The Timmons Range contains some of Illuminatia's highest peaks outside of the Transilluminatian Range.
The Timmons Range extends northwest-to-southeast. Its northwesternmost extent found in highlands located to the southeast of the city of Chopin nearby the major metropolis of Mingus. The range's southeasternmost terminus is immediately adjacent to the east coast of the Timmons Peninsula in the vicinity of the city of Julie Ann. Illuminatia's capital city and seat of government, Voston, is located just outside the midpoint of the range.
The Timmons Range is home to the headwaters of the Vostonian River as well as several other rivers that flow into and support life in some of Illuminatia's most densely populated metropolitan areas.
The most popular route for traversing the Timmons Range is the Vostonian River valley north of the city of Voston. The river valley forms a relatively easily-navigated north-to-south passageway through nearly the entire width of the mountain range at the range's midpoint. Only a small stand of hills and highlands on the north edge of the passage block an otherwise low-elevation and flat passage. This passage is the primary land-based route between the cities of Adamopolis and Harmony.
In modern day Illuminatia, the Timmons Range is a landmark that provides a convenient organizational division based on geography. Illuminatia is often divided into thirds, with one third of the continent falling to the east of the Timmons Range. The remaining two thirds falls to the west.