List of acronyms and initialisms in Illuminatia

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Acronyms and initialisms are a beloved part of the Glossa Communi in Illuminatia. Acronyms and initialisms are utilized to improve recognizability, augment efficiency of communication, and to build community and camaraderie through a common reverence for puns, double entendre, and innuendo.

While the Illuminatian government is a leading source for acronyms and initialisms through its sheer number of subdivisions and programs, Illuminatian also benefits from the contributions of corporations, organizations, educational institutions, standards-keepers, and similar entities.

The official recognition of acronyms and initialisms is there responsibility of the Office of Initialisms and Acronyms (OIA), which operates within the Illuminatian [[Department of Language and Lexicology] (DLL). The OIA maintains an official list of acronyms and initialisms in which all entries are unique and no duplications are allowed. Government subdivisions, governmental and organizational programming, corporations, and other entities are careful to choose names for their organizations, sub-offices, products, and other multi-word entities in a way such that a unique acronym or initialism will be achieved. These names are then swiftly registered to ensure the associated acronym or initialism is the first and only to be recognized. Additional initialisms relating to are within the domain of the Department of Standards and Measures (DSM).

The acronyms and initialisms associated with entities that become purveyors of broadcast media and owners of broadcast stations frequently lend their initials to the call sign of wireless and telekinephotocast stations, particularly when those initials are three letters in length.


The following is an incomplete list of acronyms and initialisms recognized in Illuminatia:

Abbr. Name/Term
ABN Adamant Broadcasting Network
AdU Adamopolitan University
AEIA Advanced Education Institution of Allegro
AI Anno Illuminatia
AOCI Academic Omniversity of Central Illuminatia
AOC Academic Omniversity of Chopin
AOL Academic Omniversity of Liszt
AOS Academic Omniversity of Symphony
AQS Audience Quantification Stratum
ASS Anthem Stuff Store
ATTICS Automated Terrestrial Traffic Instruction and Control System
AU Annual Unit
AUE Academic University of Erudition
AUM Academy of Unintuitive Mathematics
BAI Bureau of Audit and Inspection
BBM Bureau of Bureaucracy Management
BCT Bureau of Commerce and Trade
BEE Bureau of Education and Enlightenment
BEM Bureau of Elementary Particle Management
BLT Bureau of Lucidian Technologies
BNR Bureau of Natural Resources
BPC Bureau of Punishment and Castigation
BRC Bureau of Reproduction and Copulation
BSM Bureau of Spectrum Management
BTC Bureau of Transportation and Conveyance
BU Bacchanal University
BWS Bubonic Whooping Syphilis
CAC Chief Audit Council
CAP College of Academic Pursuits
CARS Corporational Asset Rating Stratum
CCD Competitive corporal defenestration
CID Competitive inanimate defenestration
CLC Chief Legislative Council
CEB College of Extensive Brilliance
COB College of Brookeview
COBS Collegiate Omniversity of Blue Skies
COL Collegiate Omniversity of Legato
COO Collegiate Omniversity of Overture
COS College of Symphony
COT College of Thinking
CPC College of Profound Contemplation
CRG College of Relative Genius
CRRS Corporational Revenue Rating Stratum
CU Cubic Unit
CUM Collegiate University of the Multiverse
CWL College of Wisdom and Learning
DCC Department of Calamity and Catastrophe
DCM Department of Climate and Meteorology
DDD Department of Direct Democracy
DEI Department of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
DHW Department of Health and Wellbeing
DKA Department of Karma Adjustment
DLL Department of Language and Lexicology
DLR Department of Labour Relations
DMC Department of Malfeasance and Corruption
DMP Department of Monetary Policy
DOO Department of Ombudspersonship
DOP Department of Peace
DP Disassociated Press
DPI Department of Public Information
DPP ‎Department of Poverty Prevention
DPSMI Department of Public Service Media Investment
DPSMR Department of Public Service Media Revenue
DRD Department of Redundancy Department
DSM Department of Standards and Measures
DTA Department of Tertiary Assemblies
DU Circadian Unit
FPU First Peninsula University
GCF Graphical copulatory fiction
GWB Galaxy Wide Broadcasting
IAI Illuminatian Academy of Innuendo
ILA Illuminatian Liberation Army
IPS Illuminatian Parcel Service
IRFRI Internal radiofrequency resonant implant
ISAA Intuitive Social Arts Academy
IT&T Illuminatia Telephone and Teletext
IUSI Illuminatian University of Science and Industry
KU Karmic Unit
LIS Local Information Station
LU Linear Unit
μ Monetary Unit
MDP Manual Data Processing
MST Metric Shittonne
MU Massive Unit
NBU North Bay University
NCEF Northern Comprehensive Educational Facility
NIMID Near-Infinite Multiversal Ideational Differentiationism
NSBL National Sportsball League
OAC Office of Atmospheric Conservation
OAH Office of Anthropogenic Hazards
OAP Office of Assessment and Placement
OAR Office of Aquatic Resources
OCA Office of Confidential Apologies
OCB Office of the Central Bank
OCC ‎Office of Cross-Species Collaboration
OCI Office of Climate Information
OCM Office of Community Moderation
OCP Office of Curriculum and Programming
OCR Office of Civil Reconditioning and Reeducation
OCT Office of Copulatory Trades
ODD Office of Death and Dismemberment
ODI Office of Dependent Investment
ODM Office of Diplomacy and Mediation
ODP Office of Disaster Prevention
ODT Office of Disaster Tourism
OER Office of Expiation and Recompense
OFC Office of Forensic Climatology
OFR Office of Further Redundancy
OEC Office of Ecosystem Conservation
OGD Office of Gamete Distribution
OGG Office of Gaming and Gambling
OGS Office of Glyphs and Symbols
OIA Office of Initialisms and Acronyms
OII Office of Illuminatian Identity
OIP Office of Intellectual Property
OLC Office of Life and Conception
OLT Office of Landscape and Terrain
OMC Office of Malicious Compliance
OMM Office of Mate Matching
OMN Office of the Monetary Network
OMR Office of Mineral Resources
ONA Office of Necessary Aggression
OND Office of Natural Disasters
OOD Office of Demography
OOS Office of Occupational Safety
OOSC Official Opposition Shadow Cabinet
OPA Office of Public Apologies
OPP Office for the Prevention of Pauperization
ORC Office of Recreational Copulation
ORE Office of Resource Extraction
ORR Office of Resource Reclamation
OST Office of Synchronized Transportation
OUC Office of Unmitigated Catastrophes
OVP Office of Voluntary Punishment
OIPPS Occupational and Instructional Productivity and Placement System
PAIS Polyphonic acoustic instrumental symphonic music
PBS Prosocial Behaviour Rating
PIR Polytechnic Institute of Rhapsody
PLF Protolucidian Liberation Front
PPH Pernicious Pestilential Hyperlexia
PRR Plausible Reality Rating
PUM Polytechnic University of Mendelssohn
RBC Randall Bay College
RCI Radio Corporation of Illuminatia
RCS Registered Civilian Station
RDS Repetitive Decapitation Syndrome
RIAI Recording Industry Association of Illuminatia
RSI Recreational Science Institute
RU Recurrence Unit
RUM Remedial University of Maestoso
SE Specific Electric Corporation
SIIC Syncopated instrumental improvisational collaborative music
SIP Serenade Institute of Philosophy
SJC Superlative Judiciary Council
SU Square Unit
SUE Scholastic University of Expatiation
SPU Second Peninsula University
SQ Synergistic Quotient
TI Trans-Illuminatia Network
TiU Timmons University
TPU Third Peninsula University
TSC Transilluminatian Subversion Command
TU Temporal Unit
UAI University of Ample Intellect
UAK University of Arbitrary Knowledge
UDT University of Deep Thought
UEI University of Exorbitant Intelligence
UEK University of Excess Knowledge
UFI University of Factual Information
UFP University of the Fourth Peninsula
UH University of the Harmonics
UHK University of Helpful Knowledge
UII University of Insight and Intuition
ULM Université La Marseillaise
UMP University of Methods and Practices
UMV Université des Manches Vertes
UNK University of Necessary Knowledge
UN University of Nocturne
UO University of Overture
UOA University of Amadeus
UOTB University of the Baroque
UOTC University of the Channel
UOTM University of the Mystic
UOU University of the Observable Universe
UR University of Rhapsody
URE University of Relative Enlightenment
URq University of Requiem
US University of Serenade
USB University of Symphonic Bay
USK University of Sufficient Knowledge
UTC University of the Continuum
UTK University of Trivial Knowledge
UUK University of Unnecessary Knowledge
VB Vos Broadcasting
VPP Voluntary Punishment Program
VU Vostonian University
VVN Vos Valley News
WIO Western Illuminatia Omniversity
WMU Wandering Mind University